Senator Kirsten Gillibrand says she will not let the UAP issue go away in Congress. She is determined to investigate the UFO phenomenon.
Following is, in her own words, her motivation to further investigate this topic. This is the response to this question from a ufo researcher:
The question: “when can we expect a public hearing regarding UFOs and UAPs specifically with these reforms in place?
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand responds:
“Ok, so I’m supposed to get a report in the next, I think, month or two.
They briefed our staff, but it wasn’t very significant, not a lot of information.
They’re building the office right now, and they understand what the mission is.
So, I met the guy who is in charge of the office.
He understands he is supposed to work with the private sector and all of the people who have all of the data and information.
He is also asked to go back and look at all of the archival data, but he has not been able to get access to it.
As you can imagine, it is probably siloed in all sorts of places.
So his job is to try to get access to all of it, and if he can’t, I said just go forward.
And if you can’t get the historical stuff, get what’s in the private sector, get the private sector data like FAA data, correlate it, investigate all the other things that are current and just create a state-of-the-art office.
And he’s committed, and they’re taking it seriously, and they’re not going to hide it.
Because there are so many of us now on the intel committee and armed services that were going to stand by the service members who documented this stuff.
“They have video; they have radar; they have heat sensors, they have everything.”
The UFO investigator asked another question. “Materials”?
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s answer:
“They have it! So I’m not going to let it go. I’m 100% committed!”
So all that will happen in the upcoming public hearings are answers like “we will discuss this further in the private briefings” when asked serious questions by members of Congress.
Members of Congress will say OK because they don’t want to breach national security defined by the ‘Security Classification Guide’ and will get their answer in private. Only bits of new info we’ll get are perhaps out of anyone who testifies or leaks.
What are your thoughts?