Alex Dietrich (41), mother of three, a fighter pilot in the US Navy, has 1250 hours of flight experience and landed 375 times on aircraft carriers.
She now teaches at the United States Naval Academy. But from 2001 to 2007, she flew “F / A-18F-Super-Hornet” fighter jets.
And on a flight, she met one of these UAPs. These are mysterious aircraft that fly maneuvers as no one has ever seen before. No known aircraft can match their maneuverability.
The recently released UFO videos filmed by fighter jets in 2004 and 2015, in which round objects move inexplicably, fascinate thousands of people.
The US armed forces are not talking about UFOs. They call them “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” – UAPs. “Unidentified aerial phenomena.”
Soon, later this month, around June 25, 2021, the Pentagon is due to report what it knows about these mysterious flying objects. When exactly is still unclear.

Alex Dietrich Describe The Nimitz “tic-tac” UFO Incident
It happened on November 14, 2004: The guided-missile cruiser “USS Princeton,” part of an association, had caught an unknown flying object off California, which suddenly lost around 24,000 meters in altitude.
Back then, Dietrich and a colleague were traveling in two “Hornets” from the aircraft carrier “USS Nimitz.” Your mission: examine the object.

Alex Dietrich: “It was a cloudless sky, hardly any wind, the sea surface was mirror-smooth.”
The planes were directed to the point where the radar had previously detected the object.
Then I saw this thing. It looked like a tic-tac coated tablet, especially the shape but also the smooth surface. It just looked like that. “
Also noticeable: no markings, no wings, no visible drive. The size? Almost one of the fighter jets is less than 20 meters long. It was said to have floated over the water.

She was amazed when the UAP began to react to the attitude of the other fighter aircraft.
The way the UFO maneuvered would also have been completely unusual: “When flying, we know certain radii in the curves or how aircraft ascend and slide down – but this object maneuvered so quickly and agile that we were completely surprised.” She also did “To deal with fear,” admits the marine pilot.

When the Tic-Tac-UFO finally disappeared at the pace of hell, a “rollercoaster ride would have left behind in emotions,” she recalls:
“Everything from amazement, shock, and clearly, including fear. We didn’t even have activated weapon systems, nothing to fire with. “

But what was it?
“I just do not know. And I would suffer from overconfidence if I were to spread my own theories.”
It sticks to the official classification: “Unidentifiable.” Above all, Dietrich does not want to draw “extra-terrestrial conclusions”: “I am too firmly anchored in the world of science, where there has to be evidence.” But nothing can be ruled out”, she says.
Although there were matching testimonies from several crew members about the incident, as well as matching radar data, the UFO file from 2004 was gathering dust in the
Pentagon’s secret archives. Even worse, the UFO witnesses had initially been raised by comrades: jokers painted green men on paper or left aluminum hats on board.

Years later, the incident landed on the desk of former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Secret Services Christopher Mellon (63).
“The events from 2004 were particularly convincing because all the witnesses said the same thing, and their statements could be confirmed by sophisticated monitoring technology.
Multiple systems captured all of this, numerous planes, and warships. I have spoken to all the witnesses. It was simply undeniable that something completely unusual was happening here.”

In 2017 the videos were leaked to the “New York Times.” This was the first time the UFO phenomenon made it into the headlines of even serious media.
And finally, the ball would have gotten rolling, Mellon said. The Pentagon report due this June 25th is now the latest culmination of new UFO attention.

He doesn’t believe that Russia or China are behind the phenomenon: “Why should we assume that they are 500 years ahead of us in terms of technology?”
The G-forces alone would tear Everything apart in such flight maneuvers. Also particularly inexplicable: “The ability to hover and then instantly accelerate to several times the speed of sound and stop just as suddenly.”
And some of the UAPs would go up and down in the water. In August, a “UAP Task Force” resumed work. All questionable observations must now be recorded.

Mellon: “So far, there is no explanation for all of this!” There is only one thing he knows because of his earlier integration into the top ranks of the Pentagon and his insider knowledge about the development of new weapon systems: “This technology does not come from us.”
He would like to see more cooperation with other nations. The whole world should work together to solve this mystery.
Because he also makes it clear that there is no scientific evidence that they are not aliens.
Mellon: “Maybe we’re wasting time looking for aliens out there while they have long since found us …”