The answer is; Yes, they are, and here’s why. In the 1940s and 1950s, there were a lot of sightings of UFOs- the most famous being the Roswell incident. It happened in 1947 when debris from a UFO crashed near Corona, New Mexico. The debris was recovered by United States Army Air Forces officers from Roswell Army Air Field. The U.S. Air Force comes out and downplays the whole thing as just misidentified balloons. Yet internally, the Airforce was very concerned about these UFOs and even commissioned multiple studies of them.

In 1948 the first government-funded study was done on UFOs, called Project Sign. The conclusion was interesting. At the same time, the study concluded that most UFO sightings were ballons or optical illusions but that a minority of cases were unexplainable and that the “extraterrestrial hypothesis” is the most probable explanation. The U.S. government rejected it outright. They refused to accept the results in any form.
A new study was thus done, called Project Bluebook. Project Bluebook was specifically created not to explain UFOs but to debunk the extraterrestrial hypothesis. They did a bad job and just made the blanket statement that it was all just misidentifications and optical illusions.

Example of military pilots UFO encounters
In 2004 the USS Nimitz was patrolling off the coast of Mexico with an armada of advanced warships when strange things began to happen.
For days, radar was tracking a cluster of objects moving too slow to be aircraft but too fast to be birds. The objects moved erratically- seemingly breaking the laws of physics. Occasionally more objects would appear at extremely high altitudes and drop down to sea level in seconds to join the other objects.

Those on the ship were able to physically see these objects as well using high-strength binoculars. After days of this, multiple F-18s were sent out to investigate these objects.
The F-18s went over to the objects and noticed a weird thing on the surface of the ocean. It was oval-shaped and just cresting the water. The object was not detected by sonar of nearby submarines.
An F-18 decided to close in and get a better look. As they got closer, they noticed a white tic-tac-shaped UFO buzzing above the ocean disturbance. It was jetting back and forth very quickly like a wasp. The object was perfectly smooth.
The UFO seemingly notices the F-18 and begins to climb as the F-18 is circling down to get a good look. The F-18 makes a steep bank angle to keep up, but the UFO then takes off at hypersonic speed, disappearing in mere seconds.
Now we have two sets of pilots from two F-18s who witnessed this. These are F-18 pilots, too, men well versed in aeronautics. The planes return, and another few are sent out. The pilots who witnessed the UFO tell the new pilots to keep an eye out for anything strange. These pilots would head out with an extremely sensitive camera and make for the UFOs. They would soon find one and record it.

Then in 2014, Theodore Rosevelt started tracking UFOs. They began to follow them and track them, and two jets even almost collided mid-air with a UFO.
These UFOs made physics-defying maneuvers and were witnessed by dozens of pilots over many months. Eventually, they caught these crafts on video using hyper-sensitive cameras mounted on the jets.
Now the U.S. government is upfront on this. They totally admit this happened, and they have no explanation for it. Now, this isn’t all. There have been hundreds of UFO sightings from the late 1940s to today that cannot be explained by anyone.

Examples of famous UFO cases
- A number of Aeronautical engineers were fishing in 1952 when they noticed a weird thing in the cloudless sky. They used the binoculars to get a better view and witnessed an ovular silver craft moving into the wind quickly and then disappearing at lightning speed. These men never went public with this information, FYI.
- On a number of occasions, teams of scientists launching weather ballons saw a UFO while tracking their ballons.
- A police officer noticed a bright light and loud sound in the desert and went to investigate. (Lonnie Zamora/Soccoro UFO case). He saw an oval craft in the desert. When it noticed him, it took off and then shot away at an insane speed. The officer was considered reliable even by those who interrogated him, and he never capitalized off the attention. The scene of the take-off also left tons of physical evidence confirming his story. This is the case that changed J Allen Hynek (Blue Book astrophysicist) from a skeptic to a serious UFO researcher.

There are hundreds of these stories that cannot be explained. Now are these aliens? These could be highly advanced experimental craft. But these pieces of evidence are Extremely hard to dismiss outright.
Something is strange here, and something odd is happening — and we’ve just started trying to understand what it is. So, if you are interested in UFOs, why not head over to my YouTube channel for more weekly UFO cases? You will also find UFO news and cases on my website.