For decades or even millennia, UFOs have been seen around the world. Why are they just watching us?
Well, here is a theory of why this is happening. Scientists theorize that aliens may already be here for a long time watching us as we are watching a plant grow.
The theory might be that an advanced civilization would have sent thousands of tiny canisters into space, holding the germs of life programmed to incubate and grow when they encounter a suitable planet like the Earth orbiting around a star.

So, an alien species that started early in the galaxy’s history and had the intention and resources to diffuse could have filled many parts of the universe with its artifacts or biological spores.
It could be done with objects like Oumuamua. Things like the Oumuamua’s odd, elongated shape and peculiar nongravitational acceleration could mean it was a mechanical probelike object — a light sail driven by sunshine — sent by an ancient alien advanced civilization.
Vessel Carrying Spores

This theory brought home to numerous astronomers the reality that vessels potentially carrying biological spores from other solar systems could actually reach Earth.
This could also explain the reasons why UFOs or UAPs have been seen for many thousands of years on planet Earth throughout the history of humanity.
Most astronomers believe life must have sprung up somewhere in the 13.5 billion years since the galaxy was created, given that our sun is 4.6 billion years old.
Alien civilizations in other parts of the universe could have been using robotics, probes, and drones piloted by artificial intelligence billion years before our solar system was created.
Directed Panspermia

So there has been enough time for an alien civilization to become advanced enough to send microbes or micro-artifacts all over the galaxy, including to our solar system.
Astronomers have even invented a sciency name, “directed panspermia,” to describe the act by an advanced alien civilization of “planting the seeds of life” on another world.
These microbes or micro-artifacts could be hidden inside a microscopic “shadow biosphere” that is so different from ours that we can’t even recognize it as biological in origin.
The conclusion of all this is; We could all be part of an experiment where life was planted on Earth, and someone is watching us like we are watching a plant grow.