After 32 years of being classified by the Ministry of Defence, the “Calvine UFO” image has finally been released. Read about Nick Pope’s thoughts about this released image.
The 1990 Calvine UFO image purportedly shows a diamond-shaped object (estimated 100 feet in length) hovering low in the skies of the Scottish countryside as fighter Harrier aircraft held a respectable distance.

According to two anonymous hikers, the military aircraft seemed oddly disinterested and continued on their way.
It is said the two hikers photographed the UFO before it departed vertically at great speed after about 10 minutes.

The anonymous hikers then turned over their photograph(s) to one of Scotland’s leading newspapers, which never published them but turned them over to the British Ministry of Defense, where the image(s) were promptly lost in the National Archives and remained missing for some 32 years.

Any factual evidence regarding the photo(s) is thus nebulous, at best.
The National Archives recently located and released the photo(s) after some prompting by UFO investigators, and the Ministry of Defense only commented:

“The MoD has come to no definite conclusion regarding the large object.”
Everything beyond that is pure speculation and sensationalism.
What Is Nick Pope’s Statement Regarding The Calvine UFO Image?

Nick Pope’s statement about the Calvine UFO Photo: Further to my previous statement, I can now say that I won’t be able to go beyond my original “neither confirm nor deny” in relation to the provenance of the photo released today. My position on the incident is as stated here:
Is the Calvine photograph the best image showing an unidentified flying object ever taken? What are your thoughts?