Can New Electronic Warfare Explain UFO Sightings?

The U.S. Navy has been unobtrusively developing what could be one of the most important, transformative, and fascinating advances in naval warfare combat, and warfare in general, in years.

This latest electronic warfare “system of systems” has been clandestinely refined over the last years. Can this new system explain recent UFO sightings?

NEMESIS and Unmanned Vehicles

The secretive latest electronic warfare “ecosystem” is known as Netted Emulation of Multi-Element Signature against Integrated Sensors, or NEMESIS.

It first emerged in Navy Research, Development, Test & Evaluation Budget Item Justification documents in the service’s budget proposal for the 2014 Fiscal Year, published in April 2013.

Furthermore, US Navy has been developing and combining multiple types of unmanned vehicles, countermeasures and electronic warfare payloads, shipboard and submarine systems, and communication technologies to give it the ability to project what are phantom fleets of aircraft, ships, and submarines. 

UAP/UFO Decoys

These realistic-looking artificial decoys and signatures have the ability to appear seamlessly across diverse, and geographically separated enemy sensor systems positioned both below and above the ocean’s surface.

And as a result, this networked and cooperative electronic warfare concept delivers an unprecedented level of guileful fidelity to the warfare.

It’s not simply about disrupting the enemy’s capabilities or even confusing them at a command and control level, yet is also about making their sensors tell them the same misrepresentations across large swathes of the battlespace. 

Performing so achieves a cohesive set of far more powerful, unified, and convincing effects.

This sounds like science fiction, but it is anything but. It is the next quantum leap in the quiet but ferocious struggle to control the invisible domain of electronic warfare.

Although it is the least visible part of a present-day military’s order of battle and overall abilities, and much of the details of precisely what capabilities exist and how they are realized reside in the shadows, electronic warfare is becoming one of the most critical aspects of modern warfare.

And as a result, future combat will occur just as much in this invisible spectrum as the visible one.

So, this might explain many of the strange high-performance characteristics ships and planes sometimes detect by radar.

Because beyond visual range these UFO incidents likely are the result of electronic warfare.

Things like rapid accelerations in speed and sudden drops in altitude on radar represent fundamental tenets of electronic warfare tactics.

The NEMESIS program can also explain these UFO encounters and whether is this what Navy pilots had encountered off America’s eastern seaboard.


Maybe a foreign power like China or Russia is actively using what could be described as some elements similar to what could be found in the NEMESIS ecosystem to collect critical intelligence on America’s most advanced sensor systems.

This doesn’t mean everything the Navy aircrews saw off the east coast was these capabilities, though it seems like a glaringly obvious explanation for most of them, and it is far more so now.

In the case of the east coast UFO/UAP events, for instance, the high-performance capabilities of those objects were never visually observed, but they were seen on radar.

The visual UAP encounters describe balloon-like objects doing balloon-like things—not moving fast at all—while other objects feature performance more similar to drones than anything else.

There you have it. It might just be Electronic military warfare in combination with drones.

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