On Monday, another dark drone/UAP flew at Forsmark’s nuclear power plant. At the same time, the police and the defense have investigated several alarms in the Stockholm area.
In addition, the police and the coast guard are investigating the archipelago, and according to information to Swedish Newspaper “Aftonbladet,” the police are investigating whether drones/UAPs can come from the sea.
Several drones or UAPs hoovered around Stockholm on Monday night. The police searched for them by helicopter.
– Private individuals have made various observations. We have made several observations of drones. These are several different places in Greater Stockholm that are affected, says Daniel Wikdahl at the police’s regional command center.

According to the Swedish newspaper “Expressen”, an “advanced drone” was observed at Drottningholm Castle during the evening. Several police officers became eyewitnesses themselves.
Earlier in the day, a drone was also seen at Forsmark’s nuclear power plant – again.
– We are on-site because we have received information about what could be drone flights in connection with the nuclear power plant there, said Tobias Ahlén, press spokesperson at the police region region “Mitt.” Police later confirmed that a drone flew at the nuclear power plant.

The police cooperate with several other authorities in the hunt, including the Armed Forces.
According to information to Aftonbladet, the drone hunt also took place at sea on Monday. The police and the coast guard scouted the Stockholm archipelago.
Gustav Rhedin, an officer at the Coast Guard’s command center, confirms that the authority has “increased vigilance.”

Swedish Coast Guard Multi-Purpose Vessel KBV 001 Poseidon. Credit: Wikipedia.
Large drones flew over the nuclear power plants Oskarshamn and Ringhals earlier this week. Other drones were seen over central Stockholm and airports in Luleå and Kiruna.
On Monday, Newspaper Aftonbladet revealed that the drone that spun over the government quarters and the castle was a black-painted 2-meter big drone.
A guard sounded the alarm about the drone over Forsmark last Friday. The wind was strong, and the drone must have been quite big and withstood the wind.
So what are your thoughts? Are these Russian drones or something else?