The U.S. government has been taking a good look at unidentified flying objects. A UFO report compiling what the U.S. knows about UAP “unidentified aerial phenomena,” also known as UFOs, has been made public on the 25th of June 2021.
It didn’t involve extraterrestrial visitors. It could be a foreign power’s technology like Russia or China.
So, are UFOs Visitors from outer space? Well, the U.S. government report Won’t rule it out.
This statement from the government is based on the investigation of sightings and videos recorded in recent years by fighter aircraft instruments and pilots’ testimonies of objects flying at obviously impossible speeds and doing seemingly impossible maneuvers.
Two officials briefed on the report said it found no extraterrestrial link to the sightings reported and captured on videos. However, the report won’t rule out a link to another country.

Could these things be electronic warfare? China has developed some unique technology much faster than we thought they were going to in recent years.
But if a country like China or Russia has developed a new electronic technology that they can use militarily, they don’t want anyone to know anything about it.
So, no one is ever going to say anything. They surely want to surprise the adversary on the battlefield.
They’re trying to understand what the U.S. military weapons systems are capable of doing, and the frequencies the U.S is using.
Even the encoding of radar transmissions, things they could use to develop countermeasures to render themselves invisible to radar.
But the full government UFO report may present a broader picture of what the government really knows.

When Does The Pentagon UFO Report Come Out?
Some backgrounds; Congress instructed the DNI (director of national intelligence) to provide this UFO report. They have asked the intelligence director for “any incidents or patterns indicating a potential adversary may have reached breakthrough aerospace capabilities that could put United States strategic or conventional forces at risk.”
It should include “a detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data” from multiple agencies and reports in 180 days. And that time has come. It was on the 25th of June 2021.
Luis Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon’s AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), said he didn’t believe that the UAP sightings were of a foreign power’s technology because it would have been nearly impossible to keep that secret.
But in an era of more sophisticated drone aircraft, now also seen as a risk to sensitive military sites such as nuclear missile bases, the focus has been more on foreign rivals than on any supposed visitors from space.

Things in the sky are very often not what they seem. Here are some examples of how phenomena that appear otherworldly may be tedious on this Earth.
Ninety to 95% of all UFO sightings can be explained as sky lanterns, planes flying in formation, weather balloons, flares, secret military aircraft, birds reflecting the sun, the planets Venus or Mars, meteors or meteorite space junk, planes reflecting the sun, blimps, helicopters, satellites, swamp gas, ball lightning, lights on the ground, lights reflected on a cockpit window, temperature inversions, punch clouds or ice crystals reflecting light off clouds.
So, the truth is out there, but for now, it doesn’t involve ETs (extraterrestrial visitors). It could, however, be a foreign power’s technology, maybe from China or Russia. What are your thoughts?