Over the time since Bob Lazar first came forward around 1989, his story has been corroborated in a number of ways.
For example, he was the first person to mention the S-4 facility near Groom Lake.
The government later admitted that the S-4 facility did indeed exist after some people looked into it.
Though the government wiped his records of being at MIT, Los Alamos, etc., people there said they remember Bob Lazar.

Element 115
He was the first, or one of the few, to mention a stable form of element 115.
We’ve since created unstable isotopes of that element, but it’s likely a stable isotope will be created of it because of where it exists in the periodic table.
He talked about element 115 before it was even theorized.
Then they actually synthesized it quite a long time later, and there is a possibility of having it in a stable isotope.
This is quite insane to think about fabricating that possibility. He would have to blindly bet that element 115 would somehow fit this description even remotely.
For all he knew, this element wasn’t even theorized yet.

It’s also interesting that his story has not changed in 30 years.
People who fabricate tales will often later add details. He hasn’t.
This is, of course, my personal opinion, and there are subjective elements to it.
But I encourage you to watch Joe Rogan’s interview with him on his podcast, which you can find on YouTube.
He comes across as very credible. Bob comes across to me at least as a physicist or a person who was at one time.
He has never tried to make money off his story.
George Knapp and others sometimes have had to spend years persuading him to do an interview.
He doesn’t like to do interviews. Does that fit the profile of a hoaxter?
Why would the government go to such trouble to erase his school and employment records – but miss one small detail such as his name being in the Los Alamos phone directory?

Each person has to make his mind up, but the things he talks about, like the antigravity propulsion system, match what Dr. Paul LaViolette describes in his book on antigravity propulsion, written twenty years later.
I have to think Lazar is telling the truth.
It seems way too weird to be a hoax, and there are quite a few interesting quirks that were proved right and would be quite hard to fabricate.
Much less than to maintain them for 20 or 30 years if he’s lying.
Let’s just say he would have to be insanely motivated by something if he could tell this same story for 30 years and make it look even remotely plausible.

There are no records of him being at MIT Caltech or Los Alamos. Alright.
But he also lost his birth certificate. Later they found an article mentioning him and a phone book from Los alamos with his name on it.
So he has no birth certificate, but his name is in an old phone book and article (along with a photo), and he knows the place by memory?
How much of this can you fabricate and maintain for 30 years?
If so, he’s a mastermind hoaxer, and he has to have an insane motive.

Okay, so another piece of information is the fact that the area S4, which admittedly does exist; however, nobody before him ever knew such a place existed, yet he knew the name of it way before its existence was admitted by the government.
How do you fabricate that? How did he know about that?
When Bob took George Knapp to Los Alamos, Knapp said Bob displayed a knowledge of the facility that would only be acquired by someone who’d been there.
Yes, that is subjective, but what’s not subjective is that Knapp saw Lazar’s diploma from MIT.
The hand scanner at the S4 complex
On another note, he talked about the hand scanners that got him into the S4 complex.
There were slits and pins and light fixtures above, and it scanned your hand to measure the bone length in your hands.

Many dismissed that as a nonexistent technology, yet at least one person came out since then and said those things existed, and also photos of these devices were found.
He could’ve researched this and used it to fabricate a hoax but combine it with all the other stuff.
Plus the fact he never changed the story in 30 years, and you’re either looking at a lunatic, an insanely motivated person with a specific reason to deceive the world for 30 years and even lie under oath, or truth.

The reason why Bob Lazar seems credible is that the effort it would take can easily outmatch any MIT degree.
It would greatly outweigh probably anything he would ever get from lying so long and in such a sophisticated fashion.
And from this perspective, it even puts Occam’s razor in his favor.
Unless he’s a lunatic, which seems improbable, to say the least, given he has a wife, friends, work, and looks like an intelligent, highly functioning individual.
Not to mention he’s been raided ad bullied by the FBI and various other bureaucracies and whatnot regularly since he first opened his mouth in the ’80s.
Maybe he’s highly delusional. I have no fucking clue. Why would his family and friends lie, too tho?
It just doesn’t make any sense to me. I have no idea if he’s telling the truth, but if he isn’t, he has to be somewhat crazy, seriously.
And I think that that’s a cheap way out. So, do you believe Bob Lazar?