In this blog, we go through Luis Elizondo’s presentation slide “Today” – the current state of UAP research.
Lue Elizondo states, “We are probably doing more now behind the scenes than we ever have before.”
Here are three slides from Elizondo’s presentation at the International UFO Congress.
This first slide, “yesterday,” summarized the actions which have been achieved to date.

The second slide, “Today,” summarized some of the activities which are going on right now.

The third slide, “Tomorrow,” features hoped-for and speculative objectives for the future.

But here, we will take a closer look at the “Today” slide and see if we can draw out further information than the one-line summary.
1. Senior academics are involved in the serious study of the UAP phenomenon.
The recent formation of “The Galileo Project for the Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts” has brought many leading academics into our research field.
There are many others associated with such organizations as the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena and The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies.
Of course, there have always been a small number of academics interested in the topic of UAP ever since the 1950s.
Still, there are now more than ever being willing to be publicly identified with studying UAP.

2. Renown universities are expressing interest in studying UAPs.
The Galileo Project is housed at Harvard University in the US.
3. Scientific enclaves are being created to study physics.
4. Scholarship programs focusing on the study of UAP performance are being developed.

5. Defense Intelligence University and National Intelligence University are accepting a thesis’ on UAP.
From Elizondo’s statement, the two Universities have not previously been allowing students to design a theory dealing with UAP but now are ready to.
Over the years, various higher education institutions have allowed students to write about UAP.
There is a long list of “University UFO Theses and Dissertations – 1948-2016” compiled by Paolo Toselli.”

6. Data from previous US projects are being consolidated under a single entity.
The DNI report to Congress advised that copies of UAP reports will go to the UAP Task Force/new entity under consideration and the USAF’s National Air and Space Intelligence Center.
Civilian UAP researchers have commented that the recent UAP report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence only went back to 2004.
There are some 13,000 UAP reports with around 700 “unknowns” in the Project Bluebook archives alone.
Note the use of the plural “projects.” What else besides Bluebook?

7. DoD is developing a “strategic plan” to study UAPs for years into the future.
As part of the DoD response to the report on UAP to Congress, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks, issued a memorandum to the Department.
In it, she directs the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSDI) to develop a plan which includes data collection procedures, analysis of this data, staffing, and associated budget for a long-term study of UAP.
8. UAP information is being integrated into the US Intelligence collection cycle.
As part of the OUSDI process, it would make sense to collect data on UAP.
Procedures would need to be put into place so that various US Intelligence agencies each have a process to undertake that collection and analysis.

9. Certain allies are expressing interest in working with the US government.
In April 2021, media reports stated that the Japan Self Defense force was to draft UFO protocols following the release of US UAP videos.
“Minister Kono confirmed at the Japan-US Defense Ministers meeting last month that the SDF and US Forces had agreed to cooperate on UFOs.”
Other countries
The Five Eyes agreement is an intelligence-sharing agreement between the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
In the case of Australia, the Australian Department of Defense has indicated that they have no protocols concerning UAP.
We also know from media reports that the British Parliament discussed UAP after releasing the Office of the Director of National Intelligence report.
The British Defense Minister stated that the United Kingdom would not institute any new research on UAP.

10. DoD Inspector General is conducting “evaluation” and inquiries into the DoD’s handling of the UAP topic.
On 3 May 2021, the US Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General announced it was conducting a new study related to UAP, titled “Evaluation of the DoD’s Actions Regarding the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.”
11. Certain members of Congress have expressed the desire for public hearings.
Many members of the US Congress have called for classified hearings on UAP, with a few indicating they would like to see public hearings.
12. Study of UAPs are included in annual budget cycles for both MIP and NIP.

13. Former senior members of the intelligence community are assisting with USG efforts involving UAPs.
Former senior intelligence community members such as former ODNI John Ratcliffe have commented about UAP, so it is great to see that some of them are actively involved in the process.
Do you think the secrecy from the government is deepening regarding UAPs?
Will Congress grants clemency from NDA restrictions to solve this?
What are your thoughts?