U.S. Government has prepared a historical Report on UFOs. Once entirely dismissive of UFO sightings that for decades sparked the popular imagination, it is now in the making of issuing an expansive account of what it calls UAP or “unidentified aerial phenomena,” based heavily on observations by military pilots.
In conjunction with the Pentagon. It is due in the coming days to submit a report to Congress on the subject.
The UFO report is issued by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. It includes the work of a U.S. Navy-led UAP task force established by the Pentagon in August 2020 to examine UAP/UFO incidents.
And U.S. Senator Marco Rubio was instrumental in ordering the report, requested as part of broader legislation passed last year.

The Pentagon has released and confirmed the authenticity of UFO videos from naval aviators showing enigmatic aircrafts exhibiting speed and maneuverability exceeding known aviation technologies.
In the run-up to their following UFO report, Defense Department officials have made it clear that they take the UAP issue seriously while sidestepping questions about any possible extraterrestrial origin.
The UFO report marks a turning point for the U.S. military after decades of deflecting, debunking, and debunking observations of unidentified flying objects and “flying saucers.”

The retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich was among aviators from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz involved in a 2004 “Tic Tac” incident off California’s coast with unknown aircraft described as resembling large “Tic Tac” breath mints. In an interview with Reuters this week, Dietrich recalled the elongated object lacked “visible flight control surfaces or means of propulsion.”
Dietrich said she thinks the episode was “professionally and soberly analyzed” by the military chain of command after she and her colleagues were questioned. She wishes her ability to go public will help reduce the shame and the stigma others once faced under similar circumstances, helping them to “speak up, even if they don’t know what they saw.”

U.S. intelligence officials have found no clear evidence that unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) witnessed by U.S Navy pilots are alien spacecraft, but cannot explain the unusual movements of these objects and cannot definitively rule out extraterrestrial explanations.
“We take reports of incursions into our airspace very seriously – by any aircraft, identified or unidentified – and we investigate each one,” said Pentagon spokeswoman Sue Gough.
Congress received the UFO report on Friday 25th of June 2021. The new Pentagon report on UFOs did not confirm or deny the existence of interplanetary aircraft visiting Earth.
But the report is a major pivot for the U.S. intelligence community, which has traditionally avoided frank discussion of unidentified aerial phenomena.