Pentagon’s long-awaited UFO report to Congress is due this month. It is expected to be released on June 25, 2021. What’s going on? What’s to expect?
The Department of Defense has been cataloging and investigating several UFO encounters for decades. Now, Congress demands that the Pentagon produce a report summarizing all that the U.S. government knows about unidentified aerial phenomena or UAPs.
The upcoming UFO report is produced with the help of a Pentagon group called “The UAP Task Force.”
This unclassified version of the report is expected to be released around June 25, 2021.
But the main hint of this report is that U.S. advanced technology programs did not cause the vast majority of examined incidents, the forthcoming report concludes. So what’s going on?

Could those UFOs or UAPs, the entities seemingly slipping through our skies, actually be alien spacecraft, and have those aliens been visiting Earth for a very long time?
Can we be on the verge of a formal disclosure backed by irrefutable evidence that we are not alone in the universe and are indeed being monitored by extraterrestrials? Those deeply entrenched public beliefs can lead to dazzling speculations.
Could it be that UFOs are entirely homegrown products of revolutionary and secret technological advances?
Whether by other countries like China or Russia now challenging American airspace or by the U.S. itself as part of some top-secret domestic program meant to detect flaws in the nation’s defenses?
The mind boggles. Although the UAP task force’s unclassified assessment is not expected until June 25, the New York Times produced a cursory preview of its contents in an article on June 3.

Russia, China, or Aliens?
The evaluation has come up short of explaining what those UAPs are. It provides no evidence to link these UAPs with any supposed alien visitation, despite reviewing more than 120 UFO incidents from the past 20 years. The report’s firmest conclusion is that any U.S. advanced technology programs do not cause the vast majority of UFO/UAP happenings and their extraordinary maneuvers. But the government could not definitively rule out theories that the UAP phenomena observed by military pilots might be alien spacecraft.
But note, the final report will include a “classified annex” of secret information deemed unsuitable for public release. This will leave more than enough room for die-hard UFO advocates to remain convinced that the U.S. government is hiding the truth.

What to Expect and conclude from the UFO report
There may not be a single explanation for all UFO/UAP observations. Therefore, we should not leap to any conclusions when the findings of the report are made public.
Nevertheless, the upcoming Pentagon UFO report on June 25, 2021, would be beneficial if the data that informed it are made publicly available to look at this enigmatic phenomenon and hopefully reach a scientific consensus on the nature of the unexplained events.
Otherwise, there will always be conspiracy theories shrouding and inhibiting a proper scientific investigation of UAPs.