Ross Coulthart's New UFO Book.

Ross Coulthart’s New UFO Book.

Get your own copy of; In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science by the investigative Journalist Ross Coulthart. It’s a well-written book that can serve as a helpful primer for those who want to get a sense of the UFO/UAP problem. 

In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science

Ross Coulthart’s book ‘In Plain Sight.’ walks you through a brief historical overview of the events that guided the thoughts of UFO enthusiasts, beginning in the 1940s all the way to the exciting present UAP developments, but it has much more to offer.

The book explicitly provides a much-needed global perspective because UFOs/UAPs are being seen everywhere.

Ross Coulthart

Ross Coulthart
Ross Coulthart

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Ross Coulthart's New UFO Book.

Exmouth Secret Base

Something is taking an extremely close interest in sensitive military facilities with links to nuclear weapons. Many of those UFO sightings are recorded in Australia’s National Archives.

Places like the remote town of Exmouth that is situated far north-west Western Australia. This is where a formerly US-run Naval Communications Station, Harold E. Holt, is located.

Exmouth in Australia

Most people have no idea of this secluded place. This massive secret base was established during the 1960s to ensure that in the event of a nuclear war, America’s Polaris submarines, armed with intercontinental ballistic nuclear weapon armed missiles, could be sent the critical launch codes for a nuclear apocalypse.

The base has been run by Australia since 1992. It has towering VLF (Very Low Frequency) radio masts that can send signals deep under the neighboring Indian and Pacific Oceans to communicate with submerged submarines.

It is also where many civilian and military witnesses have reported strange objects and apparently intelligently controlled craft for decades.

You can find out more about these UFO events in Ross Coulthart’s book ‘In Plain Sight.’