After decades of silence, why has Congress decided to introduce legislation into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to address unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP)?
Lue Elizondo has discussed the high definition videos and associated sensor data analyzed by the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that exhibits the five observables.

There has always been speculation that congressional committees had seen high-resolution videos of UAPs.
Elizondo went on to state:
“What are they (Congress) seeing and hearing is very compelling.
They are receiving high-definition videos, photographs, and things taken from very sensitive platforms every week.

They’re getting new information, and this week alone, we have two more very interesting incidents coming out of two different opposite areas of responsibilities (AOR), so a lot of information is coming fast and furious.”
In an interview on July 17th, 2021, Elizondo dropped clues regarding the 23-minute high-definition UAP footage and indicated “it was one of many that AATIP had analyzed.”
Elizondo is paraphrased here as saying: It was not Tic Tac shaped and potentially involved multiple vehicles, and an official US collection sensor collected the data.

Elizondo also indicated it wouldn’t be surprising if the video was leaked because it wasn’t pervasive, although Elizondo denounced leaking of any kind.
It moved at excessive speeds having peculiar movements and patterns we wouldn’t understand.
There were several crafts involved and certainly big enough from our context that several occupants could fit within the craft.

Additionally, there’s been multiple discussions regarding a triangular-shaped UAP video emerging from the ocean.
And photographs are allegedly being passed around military intelligence and Department of Defense officials.
If these videos exist and Congress has seen them, it would certainly leave an indelible impression and likely contribute to the language in the NDAA legislation.

Reviewing all the members that regularly attend National Security Council meetings, you can get an idea of the Washington power that possesses this information.
Virtually every position appointed by the president is in attendance to address matters of National Security.
The United States Government now likely sits on the biggest mystery in global history and has yet to inform the American public.
What are your thoughts?