A task force will present information on unknown objects in flight to the US Congress on June 25th. The excitement is big.
But how likely is it that aliens were ever with us? You can now read a summary of the report here.
Suppose you are interested in UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and have always wondered whether the US government and secret services are covering something up. In that case, June is an exciting month for you.
The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) Taskforce, a special working group within the US Department of Defense, is due to present a non-secret report to the US Congress this month.
The highly anticipated report is about information Pentagon have gathered about UAPs and what to do with that knowledge.
UAP is another word for UFO – for members of the military, scientists, and everyone else who does not want to be associated with the term UFO but is concerned with flying objects that move without any discernible drive and show trajectories that correspond to our physics Realizations are actually incompatible.
In other words, representatives from the Department of Defense will actually officially explain to members of the House and Senate what they know about unknown objects in flight in US airspace. And the public will be able to share the information.
There could be a delay between the presentation in Congress and the publication of the report.
But these are not conversations on secret US military bases, which conspiracy theorists have firmly assumed since a UFO allegedly crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947.

Military evidence of UFOs
Avi Loeb, Professor of Science at Harvard University and Director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, explains why the upcoming report is eagerly awaited:
“This new report differs from discussions about UFOs or UAPs in the past because it is based on evidence that was recorded by military personnel using instruments such as radar, infrared cameras, and regular cameras,” Loeb says.
The information in the report would most likely suggest “the possible existence of objects that behave in ways our technologies cannot explain.”
95 percent of the cases can be resolved
A 2019 Gallup poll shows that a third of Americans believe that real alien spaceships have been involved in at least some UFO sightings.
Hans-Werner Peiniger’s fascination with UFOs began when he was 15 years old. He has now been dealing with the topic for almost 50 years.
The chairman of the Society for the Study of the UFO Phenomenon emphasizes that the vast majority of sightings have conventional causes:
“We have now processed 4,500 observations from German-speaking countries since 1972,” Peiniger says. “It’s only about five percent of the cases for which we couldn’t find a comprehensible explanation.”
The rest, according to Tormentor, often foils balloons in unusual shapes like those seen at fairs, insects that happen to fly through the picture so fast that they look like a flying saucer in the photo, weather phenomena, or satellites.
But what about the unexplained five percent? “Maybe these are natural phenomena that we just can’t explain yet.”

Not a random point in time
The UAP Task Force’s detailed report was one of many conditions for the adoption of a $ 2.3 billion budget that Congress agreed to in December 2020 (and which contained much of much-needed coronavirus aid).
The Ministry of Defense and the secret services would have to present a “detailed analysis of UAP data and information” within six months, it said at the time.
The fact that this demand was made at all shows that leading US politicians are now taking the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence much more seriously than they did some time ago.
The step there was the result of an eventful year in terms of UAP. In April 2020, the Department of Defense released three videos that had been recorded by Navy pilots and leaked years earlier.
The ministry confirmed the authenticity of the recordings years after UFO enthusiasts had analyzed them down to the last detail in order to “clear up any misunderstandings about the authenticity of the videos and the question of whether there could possibly be more to them,” it says a press release from the Pentagon.
“The phenomena seen in the videos are still classified as ‘unidentified.'”
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What else will be in the eagerly awaited report in addition to these videos, which were recorded in 2004 and 2015, and whether it will also address material submitted by laypeople, is still unclear.

No similarities in UFO sightings
Less than four months after the Pentagon confirmed the UAP videos as real, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force was formed in August 2020.
And now comes the report to Congress. Harvard professor Loeb, who published the book Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth earlier this year, says it is not enough for the US Navy to publish old videos. Instead, new evidence should be sought.
“Instead of declassifying documents that were created with old technology and recorded by eyewitnesses who have no scientific expertise, it would be much better to use the latest recording equipment in the places where these witness reports come from and thus look for unusual signals,” wrote Loeb in his email.
Tormentor says after all the cases he has investigated, he is skeptical whether any UAP sightings could really be extraterrestrial spaceships.
“If it is an extraterrestrial intelligence that visits us, there should be similarities,” such as the shape of the alleged spaceships or their flight path. “But we didn’t find any.”
He doesn’t want to rule that out, said Tormentor. “But I assume that we are currently not being visited by aliens.”