US Government, from denial and discredit to disclosure and discovery. The policy of denial and discredit has now become one of disclosure and discovery.
This is one reason the US Government recently changed the nomenclature from UFOs to UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). It was to break the stigma associated with UFOs.
Now the policy is to formalize the reporting process and broaden the definition of the problem to “anomalous phenomena.”
This includes “transmedium” phenomena underwater, in space, and in places that defy the known laws of physics.
On July 20, 2022, the Pentagon announced the establishment of the new “All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office.”
The Pentagon is also now declassifying most, if not all, of the material related to UAPs and anomalous phenomena and synchronizing input across diverse silos.
On June 9, 2022, NASA announced its new “Independent Study on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.”
Congress has been holding private hearings on this strange subject for the last five years and just held the first public hearings on this subject in 50 years.
They have mandated the Director of National Intelligence to submit reports on UAPs to Congress on an annual basis.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) released its Explanatory Report on July 20 and clearly stated that “man-made” objects should not be included in the research. In other words, these things aren’t ours.
The ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) issued a Preliminary Assessment saying, “UAP clearly poses a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to US national security.”
In other words, the ODNI gave reason to believe that the sensors and cameras are picking up something real though, so far, inexplicable.
As of June 22, 2022, the US Space Force has created a new intelligence agency for space, Space Delta 18.
According to Avril Haines, the Director of National Intelligence, “Our capacity to understand what is happening in the space domain is crucial to our ability to operate in space.
In the years ahead, the environment will only become more contested.” We’ll come back to this idea of “contested.”
Note that none of these efforts are part of the Department of Defence’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force or its successor, the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, or the old Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.
The US Government has also been openly confirming that senior US Government personnel were employed for many years in these previously secret divisions of government, many of which were repeatedly, persistently, and completely denied by officialdom over many decades.
Steps are now being taken to give government officials immunity so they can speak about all anomalous phenomena without fear of breaking their secrecy and non-disclosure commitments.
What are your thoughts?