The subject of UFOs and UAPs has been an area of intense research for many years, even decades. I want to share some of Luis Elizondo’s thoughts and observations on this enigmatic subject.
Luis Elizondo worked for Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) since 2008 and was director from 2010 until he resigned in 2017.
Despite what looks like a campaign to discredit him, his credentials with AATIP have now been officially confirmed, as has AATIP’s role in investigating UAPs.
As well as collecting and analyzing UAP data, AATIP also commissioned scientific studies.
The research titles 38 of which were published following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in 2019, which can be viewed in full HERE but include papers on “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions, “Invisibility Cloaking” and “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy.”
The Pentagon is due to publish a report to Congress on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) on or around 25th June, and so we should all know a great deal more about the subject within the next few weeks.

What Luis Elizondo has to say about how UAPs may be powered
It has been proposed that water may be some sort of simplistic fuel source. When you look at what water is comprised of, primarily hydrogen and oxygen.
If you wanted to get a yield of energy, cracking the atom is one way of doing it. The smaller you go into the world of the atom, the more tightly that energy is packaged within the atom and the sub-atomic particles with the atom.
And so, if you want to warp space/time, some have theorized that you need a lot, a lot of energy. There are two ways to warp space/time, a lot of mass or a lot of energy, and it turns out that you need a lot, a lot of energy to do it.
And if one wanted to harness that energy, perhaps one of the most efficient ways is through hydrogen.

Here is Luis Elizondo’s take on the UAPs “Warp Bubble.”
There is a delta within space/time construct compared to the external environment in which a lot of the observations we see as seemingly extraordinary really aren’t.
They are rooted in some of the relativity principles that Einstein proposed in that if you were inside this bubble traveling, what appears to us this incredible capability to maneuver at hypersonic speeds and instantaneous acceleration, and yes, even low observability; in fact, if you were inside that bubble looking out the rest of the world would be going by in slow motion.
And so it’s not really. It’s that weird duality where both are actually occurring. Both our existence in this time and the relativity of being in this localized environment where you are insulated where you are not; where the way we experience space/time, there’s a delta, it’s different.
It is safe to say that Luis Elizondo’s best assessment is that UAPs are powered by some kind of advanced nuclear reactor that powers technology that can create a field of warped space/time around it.

Are there differences in behavior traits or skill sets depending on the shape of the UAP?
For example, is a tictac different from a disc or an orb different from a triangle? Are they from the same source, or do they seem completely different?
Luis Elizondo’s answer: clearly, there are differences, but they’ll be utilizing the same or similar technologies, and the differences between a disc versus a rod, or if you will, a cigar shape and that versus a triangular or even a boomerang may simply be the result of the propulsion that is being used and the intent and purpose of the vehicle.
Let’s say that the warping of space/time in a localized area is finite. Let’s say that you have this bubble that can only be so big.
For argument’s sake, let’s say 43 feet; you can only fit a certain size automobile inside that bubble, a vehicle.
If you were to have this bubble and create a car that this bubble was surrounding you on all equal sides, the shape of the car you would want to make sure that you uniformly fitted inside this bubble is a sphere.
Because the bubble is a sphere, but a two-dimensional representation is a disc, and if you’re driving in a car that is shaped like a disc in this bubble that you want to protect you on all sides equally a disc would be a perfect way to do this.

So, think of a Corvette. You can fit two people in a Corvette. You can go really fast but let’s say a corvette isn’t big enough.
Let’s say you need a school bus. You need a lot of people to fit in, and you need a lot of equipment.
Well, you could put two of these discs together and have these, if you will, overlapping bubbles.
But two discs together, you have now a cigar. Those two discs, you could have a propulsion unit here and here [gestures to either end of the cigar].
Now all of a sudden, you’ve got these two bubbles that are still protecting you equally. There’s another shape in geometry that if you needed something really big like an aircraft carrier, let’s say a triangle.
I think a useful analogy here may be one of mankind’s first inventions, the wheel. As everyone knows, wheels are simple machines for reducing the force of friction.
Dragging something over rough ground is hard work, but wheels make it much easier by allowing the object to roll along.
With one wheel, I could make a wheelbarrow and transport quite a lot of rocks, but with too many rocks, it might become unstable, and I might add a second wheel.
More rocks still and a third wheel might be necessary than a fourth the more weight I carry, the more wheels I need to reduce the friction.
Luis Elizondo suggests a maximum diameter of the Warp Bubble at a suspiciously specific but possibly mischievous 43ft.
The formula for the volume of a sphere is V = 4/3 πr³ which would mean the volume of a Warp Bubble with a diameter of 43ft would be 41629.77ft³.
Regardless of whether 43ft is accurate and based on classified data and observations or not, there would likely come the point when it is more efficient and stable to have another Warp Bubble than continue to increase the power needed to expand one Warp Bubble’s diameter.
Thanks for reading this article. If you found this useful then please share. If you want to know who Lue Elizondo is, head over to this article. Who is Luis Elizondo?