What is Luis "Lue" Elizondos view on UAPs?

What is Luis “Lue” Elizondos view on UAPs?

Having listened to him many times on youtube, I believe him to be a genuinely good and decent human being. But it’s obvious he is holding back a great deal of what he knows about UAPs.

Lue has frequently been smeared by groups and people who have their agendas — all while accusing him of having a dark agenda. I think he is doing his best to get truthful information out to the public responsibly.

Lue always maintains an excellent public face to encourage the UFO community to seek answers about this UAP enigma.

But note that his hints and various definitive statements make it very clear that he believes humankind is facing a serious challenge. Here are some of Lue’s comments. 

Luis Elizondo at his desk.


Luis states that UAP is known to engage in cloaking activity.


Orbs – somewhat evasive in describing them, but mainly because, as he points out, they can include many different distinct phenomena. He believes they are sometimes “real” UAP, although they were not discussed at AATIP.

UFO/UAP secrecy potentially gives some companies major advantages over competitors

Lue thinks competition among contractors is inherently unfair because not all get equal access to “exotic” material. He also believes UFO/UAP secrecy potentially gives some companies significant advantages over competitors and, therefore, massive government contracts down the road.

Quote by Luis Elizondo

UFOs are not a new phenomenon

He believes UFOs are not a new phenomenon. Lue suggests a possibility of genetic modification of humanity. He states how human beings were catapulted to the top of the food chain around 70K years ago. He does seem to suggest that we may have been tampered with, or more accurately enhanced, at around that time. He also implies that there’s another species that’s even higher on the food chain.

“Material related to this topic that has been recovered.” 

It hints that Elizondo thinks that someone or some organization, presumably related to the United States government, has recovered UFOs or related technology. 

“We can provoke reactions from them.”

He believes this is another justification for referring to them as craft, and not merely as some sort of natural phenomena or even artificial but etheric phenomena. 

“There are very compelling photos that seem to show something inside, some kind of occupancy. And I’ll leave it at that.”

Lue has spoken to a number of individuals that apparently have persuaded him that this is real, that occupants to these crafts have been photographed.

Government transparency 

He thinks we need government transparency on the matter of UFO/UAP. Lue states he is a big fan of Harry Reid and Marco Rubio.

“Hitchhiker effect”

He knows of something vaguely like this – which refers to a potentially paranormal phenomenon in which the person is “followed” by “something” after an initial encounter with strange phenomena. 


Lue explains that the latter was a subset of the former. The former went defunct, but the latter remained.

tic tac ufo over the ocean

Trans-medium travel

He implies that this might even be possible through rock, not merely space, air, and water. Lue also states that the notion that UAPs move through space and time and hence not really as our Newtonian common sense implies is “right on the money.” 

Have there been biological samples recovered from craft?

Luis rephrases the question: “Have there been biological samples recovered? Yes.”

Luis Elizondo's hints and various definitive statements make it very clear that he believes humankind is facing a serious challenge. Here are some of Lue's comments about UFOs.

Criticisms of charlatans in the UFO field

Lue makes strong criticisms of charlatans in the UFO field who take other people’s money. He mentions no names, but it’s fairly obvious who he is referring to. He states that such people try to convince everyone that they and they alone have the truth. Lue is referring to pride, ego, and narcissistic behavior, even using the word sociopathic.


Every interview he’s done has left “breadcrumbs” for attentive listeners, based on his various statements about these UAPs. It seems obvious that there has been a great deal of interaction between our military and these objects.

Some supremely advanced life form or intelligence that we do not understand and cannot even prove exists is actively engaged with human affairs and likely has been for decades and probably much longer.

They’ve been tracked, arriving from deep space, and they sometimes vanish into the ocean. At some point in the 20th century, the U.S. government acquired incontrovertible proof of this but hasn’t officially acknowledged it — despite a veritable parade of ex-military and government insiders, scientists, contractors, etc. (some on the record, some not) saying or hinting that this seemingly crazy story is actually true.

The wreckage of a crashed alien craft (which is now politely and openly referred to in print and cable mainstream media outlets as “exotic materials”) is the least of it. Now we have (“potentially”) “biological samples” (read: alien bodies) in the mix as well as “occupants.”