What is UFODATA?

What is UFODATA?

In recent years, the topic of UFOs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) has captivated the imaginations of people around the world. With numerous sightings and encounters being reported, there is a growing need to scientifically study and understand these mysterious aerial phenomena. The UFODATA Project, an ambitious endeavor focused on collecting and analyzing scientific data on UFOs, aims to do just that.

The UFODATA Project’s Mission

The UFODATA Project operates transparently and openly, aiming to gather reliable data and foster scientific collaboration. 

By employing software infrastructure designed to support the storage, sharing, and analysis of data collected by UFODAP (Unidentified Flying Object Data Acquisition Platform), their partner organization, the project aims to advance our understanding of UFOs.

Collaboration with the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies

Recognizing the importance of collaboration, the UFODATA Project has joined forces with the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU)

This partnership involves testing and deploying a network of automated surveillance stations dedicated to studying UFOs. 

By combining their resources and expertise, the UFODATA Project and SCU strive to create a robust framework for comprehensive UFO research.

UFO research software

Software Development and Hardware Deployment

To achieve its goals, the UFODATA Project has been actively engaged in software development and debugging. 

Creating sophisticated tools and technologies is crucial for capturing accurate data and analyzing it effectively. 

Simultaneously, they have been working on deploying and modifying hardware to enhance the capabilities of their surveillance stations.

UFO Data Collection and Analysis

Advancements in UFO Data Collection and Analysis

The UFODATA Project has made significant strides in various areas of UFO data collection and analysis. 

They have focused on improving optical spectrum capture techniques, refining UFO detection methods, developing camera tracking systems, and enhancing target velocity measurement capabilities. 

These advancements are instrumental in gathering precise and comprehensive data on UFOs, bringing us closer to uncovering their true nature.

ufo in a valley

Media Coverage and Community Support

The UFODATA Project’s endeavors have not gone unnoticed. The media has taken an interest in their work, shedding light on their mission and generating public awareness. 

Moreover, the project has received support from generous donors and enthusiastic volunteers who recognize the importance of scientific investigation into UFOs. 

This backing allows the UFODATA Project to continue its research and make significant progress.

ufo data collection

The Path Forward

With the ultimate goal of building a prototype station, the UFODATA Project is determined to push the boundaries of UFO research. 

They envision a future where their work can be expanded upon through a crowdfunding campaign, further advancing their scientific endeavors. 

By leveraging the power of technology and collaboration, the UFODATA Project strives to unravel the mysteries surrounding UFOs and contribute to our understanding of these enigmatic phenomena.

ufo research ai

UFODAP Expansion and Research Expeditions

The number of UFODAP installations has significantly increased to approximately 40, with installations now spanning four continents. 

To explore the capabilities of UFODAP technology, the UAPx team conducted a research expedition utilizing various instruments and devices. Their results, including the detection of the intriguing ‘hole in the sky’ phenomenon associated with other unusual UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) data, were presented at the SCU (Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies) conference in 2022. 

You can watch the presentation titled “The First Scientific Results from UAPx” to learn more about their findings.

We encourage you to visit the UFODAP website at http://ufodap.com/ to delve deeper into the capabilities of this technology and its role in our project.

Atmospheric Lights


The UFODATA Project is an exciting initiative dedicated to collecting and analyzing scientific data on UFOs. With its transparent approach, collaborative efforts, and focus on advancing technology, this project holds great promise for unraveling the secrets of unidentified aerial phenomena. 

Through its continued research and support from the community, the UFODATA Project is paving the way for a deeper understanding of the skies above us.

If you’re interested in exploring another mysterious phenomenon in the skies, you may want to check out the Hessdalen Lights. This article delves into the captivating and unexplained sightings that have occurred in the Norwegian skies. 

From their intriguing origins to the scientific investigations surrounding them, the Hessdalen Lights offer yet another fascinating glimpse into the enigmatic world above us.