UFO sightings, which the military confirms, are causing a stir in the United States. An intelligence report is eagerly awaited. A report from the Pentagon is expected to be released dealing with UFOs on June 25, 2021.
The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force will publish their findings on the so-called “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP), which have been repeatedly observed by the military in the airspace over the US for years.
But what can we expect from the UFO report?
UFO observations in the US: “Much more sightings than publicly known” – Secret service report is pending
“This UFO hype is currently being fueled by two or three people in the mainstream in order to force the Pentagon to act,” explains Hansjürgen Köhler from the “Central Research Network for Extraordinary Celestial Phenomena” (CENAP), which has been running a UFO reporting office for many years busy solving alleged UFO reports.
The video recordings of alleged UFOs that were published in the past few years “came to the public illegally,” emphasizes Köhler.
“Things that are based on speculation” would be interpreted in the videos. The things that can be seen in the videos are often attributed to moving supernaturally fast or making very unusual movements.
In the US, belief in UFOs and extraterrestrials is widespread, and the UFO report is eagerly awaited.

UFO report in the USA: What do the Pentagon know about “UAPs”?
The UFO report is expected on June 25, 2021, at the earliest. In it, secret services are to present their findings on so-called “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP), which, among others, have been observed by military personnel in action.
The report is eagerly awaited by many Americans – after all, many believe in aliens or UFOs, as Gallup polls from 2019 show. (see below).
Around a third of those surveyed believed that some UAPs they saw were actually of extraterrestrial origin.
On this subject, even the supporters of Democrats and Republicans agree: 30 percent of Republicans and 32 percent of Democrats assume that there are extraterrestrial flying objects.
- Some UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin 33%
- All UFO sightings can be explained by human activity or natural phenomena 60%
- No opinion 7%
Source: Gallup 2019 survey

UFO report from Pentagon: Many Americans believe in UFOs and aliens
It becomes even clearer when American citizens are generally asked about extraterrestrials: 49 percent of respondents in another Gallup survey from 2019 assume that “people somehow resemble us” on other planets.
Seventy-five percent of the respondents suspect that “life in some form” exists somewhere in the universe. In science, too, there is no blanket dismissal when it comes to whether there are aliens.
After all, the numbers speak for it: “There are two trillion galaxies that we can see, each with 100 billion Earth-like worlds,” explains SETI astronomer Seth Shostak to CBS. “It’s hard to believe that these worlds are all sterile.”
The SETI Institute is a non-governmental organization that is engaged in the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life.
John Ratcliffe, director of national intelligence towards the end of the Trump administration, recently stated in a TV interview: “There have been many more sightings than previously known to the public.”
The UFO report, which is to be published shortly, should therefore also include observations from other countries. Many of these UAP observations are not only documented with eyewitness reports but there is also data from sensors.

What’s up with the mysterious UFO sightings?
The US military has already confirmed it several times: There are recordings on which things can be seen that have not yet been identified – in the military, they are called “UAP,” “unidentified aerial phenomena.
Former US President Barack Obama has now also commented on this. On the “Late Late Show” on CBS, he explained to talk show host James Corden: “The truth is, there are recordings of objects in the sky that we do not know exactly what they are.”
The trajectories and movements of the mysterious objects are not accurately declared; they are faster and more maneuverable than anything available in the US military. “We really have to find out what that is,” Obama continued.
A report from the Pentagon on UFOs is expected on June 25, 2021. The authorities should then publish to Congress what they know about the “UAPs,” as UFOs have been called in the US military for some time.
The report is eagerly awaited – the US military itself recently published videos of such unexplained objects or confirmed previously published recordings.

Pilots see UFOs “every day” over the Atlantic.
Are we alone in space? This question has not yet been clarified, and numerous conspiracy theories revolve around UFO sightings and aliens.
Above all, the US and, above all, the Department of Defense are called upon again and again when it comes to trying to prove that UFOs exist. In fact, US pilots repeatedly report encounters with unidentified flying objects, and numerous recordings of alleged UFO sightings are circulating on the Internet.
Now the US TV show “60 Minutes” has taken on the mysterious topic. For example, the former Navy pilot Ryan Graves reports on the program that pilots have seen UFOs over the Atlantic “every day for several years.”
His opinion: UFOs should not be seen as a “strange conspiracy theory,” but rather as a “very real risk to national security.”
Graves continues: “If it were tactical jets from another country, that would be a big issue.”
However, because the objects are a little different, one is “unwilling to look the problem in the face. We ignore the fact that they are out there watching us every day.”

The question remains: what is it? Ryan Graves, an F-18 advanced fighter pilot for the Navy, has three possible explanations for the phenomena that he himself claims to have seen: either it is a question of top-secret US technology, foreign espionage instruments, or something that does not come from this planet.
Other former Navy pilots also comment on their alleged UFO sightings in “60 Minutes”.
Two former pilots report how they discovered a so-called “UAP” (unidentified aerial phenomena) during an exercise and tried to follow it. It was about the size of a fighter aircraft, had no markings, and had no wings, according to eyewitnesses.
The object accelerated so quickly that it seemed to disappear, according to the pilots, who have seen the “tic-tac” UFO close up. Seconds later, it reappeared 60 miles away.

How does the Pentagon deal with UFO sightings?
Christopher Mellon, who was Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence under US Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, assumes that the two former Navy pilots saw a “demonstration of advanced technological capabilities,” he explains in “60 Minutes “.
As reported by CNN, the Pentagon has ignored reports of alleged UFO sightings for years. The Department of Defense is currently investigating how the issue of UFOs, or “UAPs,” as the Pentagon calls the phenomenon, has been dealt with in the past.
The subject seems to be becoming more important in the Pentagon: In April 2021, the US Department of Defense confirmed that photos and videos taken by US Navy personnel in 2019 are real.
You can see triangular objects blinking and moving through the clouds. Last year, the Pentagon itself had three short videos of “UAPs” published.
In mid-May, a video was leaked that appears to show a UFO going into the water off the coast of California.
The US Department of Defense has now confirmed that the video was recorded by members of the US Navy. The clip is to be investigated by the Pentagon’s UAP task force.

US has had a UFO task force since 2020 – a report is expected.
This “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force” has existed since August 2020 within the US intelligence service Office of Naval Intelligence.
The task force is supposed to collect, analyze and catalog alleged UFO sightings.
Pilots and military personnel should report their sightings of inexplicable aerial phenomena to the “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.”
In June 2021, the US Congress expects a report from the US intelligence services on what they know about UFOs.
This should contain detailed analyzes of UFO sightings and information that the Office of Naval Intelligence, the newly formed Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, and the FBI have compiled.
“What the Pentagon confirms is that there are indeed things that violate restricted airspace,” Mellon said on “60 Minutes”.
“This has happened and continues to happen, and we don’t know where they’re coming from. We don’t understand the technology,” Mellon said.
It will be interesting to see whether the UFO report to Congress will provide answers.