No one can answer the question “who or what is with us” if we are not alone. “It” might even be aspects of ourselves. But, the efforts to discover who, what and how are clearly underway.
Dr. Avi Loeb at Harvard is leading the Galileo Project, which aims to avoid using any data collected by militaries so it can’t be constrained by national security concerns.
Instead, “The Galileo Project research group will aim to identify the nature of UAP and ‘Oumuamua-like interstellar objects using the standard scientific method.
It’s based on a transparent analysis of open scientific data collected using optimized instruments.
This ground-based project is complementary to traditional SETI in that it searches for physical objects, not electromagnetic signals associated with extra-terrestrial technological civilizations.
For the Galileo Project, only ‘known physics’ explanations are in scope.”
Others are exploring unphysical realms of possibility which do not adhere to “known physics” at places like The Monroe Institute and Hal Puthoff’s Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin and at To the Stars and SRI.
These folks have all been backed by US Government money for many decades, supported in their efforts to discover how consciousness and the physics of this new reality really work.
It seems rather crucial that nobody involved in all this official work likes using the word “aliens.”
Instead, one hears them casually speaking more and more about consciousness and interdimensional.
The idea that reality is not structured the way we think it is or that consciousness behaves in ways that defy our understanding to date are deeply challenging notions.
What are your thoughts?