Fuzzy photographers, random personal observations, and crop circles will never “prove” the existence of anything, especially since UFO’s appearance to humans is transitory and somewhat related to the witness’s state of mind.
What must be collected and publicly distributed is hard scientific data collected from instruments known to be accurate and reliable. Within the U.S., this information has already existed for several years and is still available today if one knows “what to look for.” and “where to look.”
Radar data and thermal imaging data are a good start, especially if one knows the flight envelope and maneuvering characteristics of a UFO. One government program that collects hard data on unidentified flying objects is the USAF DSP satellite program.
As the U.S. prepared for Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm, sometimes staff from the DSP satellite program picked up “Fastwalkers.”

It detailed how it entered our atmosphere from “deep space” (origin actually unknown, and from the backside of the satellite.
It zipped by the DSP satellite pretty closely on its way to earth. It was going very fast, and it made a 30-degree course correction (turn) which means it did not have a ballistic (free-fall) reentry trajectory that a typical meteorite might have.
So, it seemed to be under some sort of control – although whether it was “manned” or just “robotic.”
This is based on leaked information from Wikileaks, according to Bob Fish, a former defense contractor. He was also the program manager for various highly classified U.S. government advanced communication systems projects in the 1980s and 1990s.
Those included the White House and several Executive Branch intelligence agencies. He also had security clearance above Top Secret.

According to Bob Fish, the USAF is still collecting information on these “Fastwalkers.,” or “Fastmovers.” Reading the current official USAF “DSP Fact Sheet,” there is this line near the end: In addition, researchers at The Aerospace Corporation have used DSP to develop portions of a hazard support system that will aid public safety in the future.
Somewhere within that USAF program office is many years’ worth of Fastwalker data. Suppose someone were to collect and analyze it. In that case, patterns will emerge that can provide information about the various types of UAPs and their destinations, which would add proof to eyewitness claims on the ground about UFO activity.
UFOs In and Out of the Water

According to a senior USAF NCO who had worked previously for Project Blue Book in the 1970s who also worked as an ELINT technician (electronic intelligence) and flew in RC-135s from MacDill AFB in Florida, the “normal” target was Cuba where they did lots of snooping and sometimes challenging the Cubans to turn on radar and other systems.
He stated there were times when they were diverted from those missions to track UFOs off the east coast of Florida.
His case was the UFOs had a landing and takeoff spot in the ocean east of Miami, north of Bermuda.
He also alleged there was a specific electronic signature (frequency) emanating from them when they were going into or coming out of the water. Hence, the UAPs were easy to track. On numerous occasions, they filmed the UFO as it transitioned from water to air or vice versa.

So are we searching for UAPs in the wrong location? Your guess is as good as mine. But according to the facts mentioned above from Wikileaks, we might just know where to put up the telescopes to finally catch a good picture of a real flying tic tac. Is this what’s going on with Avi Loebs Galileo Project with the help of Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon?
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please feel free to browse my website for more exciting facts and news about UAPs.