Atmospheric Light

Why use rockets when you can use Nuclear Powered Electrogravitic Vacuum Blimps?

Why use rockets when you can use Nuclear Powered Electrogravitic Vacuum Blimps? This has the potential to take humankind to the stars and beyond. We call it electrogravitics, lights-state technology: the light-state technology vacuum blimps and the momentum relationship. Vacuum Blimps What’s lighter than Helium? The answer is Hydrogen. And what’s lighter than Hydrogen? Well,

Why use rockets when you can use Nuclear Powered Electrogravitic Vacuum Blimps? Read More »

Ross Coulthart's New UFO Book.

Ross Coulthart’s New UFO Book.

Get your own copy of; In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science by the investigative Journalist Ross Coulthart. It’s a well-written book that can serve as a helpful primer for those who want to get a sense of the UFO/UAP problem.  In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science Ross Coulthart’s book

Ross Coulthart’s New UFO Book. Read More »