Flying Saucer Error?

What’s with the UFO on a U.S. intelligence agency seal? Was it an error?

When the U.S. intelligence community’s main aviation component updated its seal recently to include images of a flying saucer

Many wondered if it was a joke.

It turns out it may have been.

But the Office of the Director of National Intelligence leadership does not appear to be amused.

A spokesperson there told in an email that its National Intelligence Manager for the Air Domain,

also known as NIM-Aviation, “erroneously posted an unofficial and incorrect logo.”

So, no, the agency wasn’t hacked, as several people who spotted the seal also wondered.

NIM-Aviation serves as the Director of National Intelligence’s principal adviser on air domain issues, leading efforts to identify, analyze,

and integrate intelligence on threats and vulnerabilities in the skies.

The seal was also analyzed carefully by the military community website Sandboxx.

They noted how unusual it would be for ODNI’s aviation outfit to include Russian weaponry in an official seal.

Russian Sukhoi Su-57 Felon.
Russian Sukhoi Su-57 Felon.

It seems extremely unlikely that an intelligence organization specializing in aviation would make such a mistake,”

The seal’s fighter jet silhouette matches that of a Russian Sukhoi Su-57 Felon.

But why remove the flying saucer?

What are your thoughts?